Friday, January 14, 2011

And we're off!

     I'm at Trident Books and Cafe in Boston right now with three other kids from the program. We're all taking advantage of the free and fast internet to get our wired fix for the day. Tomorrow afternoon we fly to Switzerland! We land early Sunday morning Swiss time (five hours later than US eastern time) and then we'll be in Geneva for three days visiting the United Nations headquarters and the organizations there, such as the World Health Organization. After that we'll travel to Basel for a week and a half.
      So far, so good! It's very refreshing to be around a new bunch of kids from around the country, and I like them all thus far. Everybody brings something different to the table. Even though there are only five guys, we get along well with each other, which is very good because we'll be rooming together in hostels and home stays. Since I arrived yesterday morning, we've been busy with lots of orientation sessions, group introductions, and the like. We formed committees withing the group and I'm on the exercise committee (to make sure people keep getting proper exercise), so I'm hoping that responsibility helps keep me in shape. We also started two of our classes today and everything there went very well, I'm going to learn and be exposed to a bunch of new things this semester. Having to do homework last night did feel very strange, though.
      The hostel in Boston is a little tight with us five guys in a small room together, but it's a nice place to spend a few days. Having to get ourselves around the area has exposed my lack-of-Boston knowledge, but it's been nice to actually stay in the city. 

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